Sunday, November 4

Taichung Urban Legend or maybe not

Spring Scream 2007, drugs, booze, and sex.

A white male carrying a back pack passes out from entertaining. If you are easily

disgusted STOP reading. For this is the legend known as "Broke Back Ruck Sack".

Entrusted to his friends care the drunken male slept away. A Taiwanese body builder

came on the scene and thought the white man held some signs of love. He took out his

dick and proceeded to skull fuck the white guy. The white guys friends took

pictures and laughed. Before the TW male shot his load, one of broke backs

friends thought he should tell the guy to stop.

Disturbed from my cheery beer I asked the woman telling me this story How she

heard this legend? To which she responded she met him last weekend. He was out with

his friends, and they were teasing him, with his new nick name "Broke Back Ruck

sack". To which I could only respond, "WHAT FRIENDS!!"

Said woman responded " It was rape" and this stuff happens to women.

But Christ Almighty that is just so NOT cool. A guy farts in your face while you

were asleep, Tea bagged by your roommate, but skull fucked by a stranger...


Rye said...

That's fuckin awful if it's true. I'm curious, does this story circulate among foreigners much or is it a horror story to keep impressionable young Taiwanese away from spring scream? 2007 seems a bit late for that kinda campaign.

Rye said...

although you never know with young drunks these days. i guess they're kinda like old drunks but peppier. maybe they were gay. did this happen in public? and that passed out dude is still hanging out with those guys?!?

Anonymous said...

Intially, I thought it was a gay sex thing. OR some kind of blowjob, rugby team, hockey jock teabag nudity.. but I was a little too drunk to fill in the details. Where it happened? I don't know I was overly focused on the what to work out the five W's. But it happened in public. Hanging out with I'm not sure... but definitely followed/ harassed by that nickname