Monday, December 25

the marlin comes out at christmas time

you know it's the holiday season when kevlar busts out the christmas marlin. i just learned this today but the christmas marlin is a long standing tradition in the kevlar clan. no one knows why but the marlin is revered by antigonishers and kevlar wouldn't tell me today when i asked him. the only information i could get out of him was that all kevlars must knit one before passing to manhood and a fresh one must be eaten each christmas. if a marlin cannot be acquired, tuna fish is an acceptable substitute. abalone smothered in mayonaisse a distant third. buffet style is preferred.


Kevlar said...

Abalone is just not good eating! Did you put chocolate syrup on your cornflakes again? You know what that would make you.

Rye said...

"this is called addiction."

"i am addicted."

Kevlar said...

Must have 144 boxes. I am d-use one a da boxes every due days. I like to be in my kitchen. If der weres the typhoon I could sit for 3 months. In my keychain i haves 144 boxes so it would be ok. I like the milk fresh you know, so I bought sa cow. It make milk. I have machine to get milk out of cow.Milk in refridgerator no goods, I puts it in the cupboard, I like my milks thick.

Red A said...

CLASSIC! I remember that sweater well. When I used to be able to visit friends and have a beer or twelve.

I shall return!