Sunday, September 2

Cricket bats

I have spent a few" handles" of beer listening to the merits of cricket. Last night at poker I had the fortune to ask English Brett " What is a cricket bat made from"? He told me "Yew trees", he expected me to understand.
I told I would look it up.

Uses for yew trees
Yew is a resilient tree which will tolerate a lot of shade and withstand smoke and

salty winds. Yew wood is amongst the densest of all conifers and is elastic so was

once used for making long bows, spears and dagger handles.

An important anti-cancer drug is produced from yew hedge clippings.

Cricket bats are no longer made from springy yew wood.

Yew wood is a slow growing species in the U.K.. Perhaps it not grow commercially.

Could the elastic qualities of yew wood baseball bats be marketable?

What are the MLB rules for wood types for bat construction?

After a five minute search....

Did you know there is a baseball research institute?

After May 2006, they have approved which bats and balls can be used in MLB.


Rye said...

"Ivo" means yew tree too.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about bumping this but is it possible for you get me more information on yews being used for cricket bats.

Here is my e-mail address if you need it