Saturday, September 1

Canadians in Taiwan.

Proportion of Foreigners teaching English by home country population.

1 in every 741,289 Japanese

1 in every 465,116 Americans

1 in every 266,666 Irishmen

1 in every 184, 263 Australians

1 in every 83,333 South Africans

1 in every 46,511 New Zealanders

1 in every 28,571 Canadians

Why are there so many Canadians?

I would have to say I came here after being unable to land a decent job in Canada.

Scott Summers's post basically stated there are so many Canadians because an arts degree is un-remarkable in the Canadian job market. The Canadian ex-pat population in Taiwan is less employable in Canada.

Somewhere I read that overseas language teaching is only recognized as an marketable achievement in the U.A.E.

I think we always knew we were not so different from the "FREAKY" ex-pats

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind this was a few years ago. I don't know how things have changed since the MOE released the figures these calculations are based on.

Also, I suspect that a large number of foreign businesspeople are employed doing work that is not that much more lucrative than English teaching. This is probably especially true in Taipei where the service sector is very large and many white-collar foreign workers are recruited from upwardly mobile English teachers.