Wednesday, February 13

Mark and Satara

Day one met these two.
They split all costs on the spot. They live together and are a traveling couple. THEY have been to Vietnam, and Hong Kong, together. They decided to split costs because there would be "unfair expenses" because she likes to eat seafood (which is more expensive).
They bickered that "his friend" paid for his girlfriend to fly to England.

They were ok for a little while, but soon they were hinting. something about wanting to use the bathroom in my 1000 pesso a night shack, cause the 300 pesso didn't have lights and water. Wanting to use my phone to call Taiwan.. cause theirs was not working.. which I suggested they get it to work. That they could purchase a "Load" for their phones.
They seemed to bring too much baggage from Taiwan, they were trying to get a hold of their friend to meet them and bring them 40000 pessos because the exchange rate was better... blah blah. I think their friend went to Bohol instead.

Come on!! Dual income traveling couple dropping 36000 to get their open water dive and nickel and diming. They even walked out of a bar on the tab. I didn't pick it up but I just met the other couple who did. The new couple thought it was ok.

I knew it was time to cut them loose when I asked them if they wanted to get a boat and go snorkeling. They said yes. But first they had to change some money, then they told the boat guy they were going with another guy, then they had to change their clothes, then blah blah and they suddenly didn't feel like going because 500 pessos divided by 3 people was too much. I then had to go find the first boat guy I spoke to (cause there was never another guy). This took me 45 minutes. I was kinda pissed. Fellas if you didn't want to snorkel say "no thanks" and do not say "Oh yeah that will be fun" and then waste precious moments of my vacation time. I went alone, saw fish, a pile of Koreans snorkeling with life jackets.

I got to have some fun.

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