Wednesday, February 21

I thought I was bored that day..

The day I did this I thought I was bored. Today I started a project to fix a dresser... then I was told I can't drive any nails.. chinese holiday something rather... "Pretty hard to fix anything if you can't hit it" -Kevlar. I would like to be in Taipei or Taichung... visiting the inlaws for my vacation is stupid. Arguing with my wife about why I need to get out of here is pointless.


honeybees said...

Now, let me see if I understand. Did someone you're related to by law tie a rock to your motorcycle? It seems like a little too much effort for that lot.

Did you tie a rock to your bike? Is that really what it's come to, Kevin?

Good grief!

Red A said...


Honeybees, you know you're gonna get a lot of phone calls in about 12-18 years from now about similar situations...

"We have your son at the station. Apparenly he was cutting down trees in the park to make an Indian sweat lodge."

Anonymous said...

My father in-law said I couldn't move the rock the 35 feet to the pile because it was too heavy. I actually rolled it to the pile with a long steel bar(effortless). Tying it to the bike was just for fun. The look on his face when he saw it in the pile was "priceless". Because he assumes I moved it by picking it up.

honeybees said...

Hey - Neither Ivo nor Burl is gonna have to poach lumber to build a sweat lodge... They both can use our sauna.

And - I love anonymous up there - but hasn't the time to impress the father-in-law come and gone - especially one who can't conceive of a simple lever?

"just for fun" ? really?