Tuesday, March 4


We celebrated Burl's 1st birthday on 228 by going to the Carrefour on Wen Xin and letting the boys run around like mad in the play space in the basement. Little Burly was exhausted and fell asleep shortly thereafter while the rest of us turned our attention to getting fed. Instead of the golden arches we opted for the Ponderosa inside the Carrefour. The food was mediocre, as expected, but hey they got the all you can eat buffet. At least we wouldn't be walking away hungry. Ivo at some point expressed interest in the watermelon so I brought back a few slices along with some guava and pineapple. He and Sandy shared while Burl snoozed and I stuffed myself with luke warm curry rice and lemon chicken. We finished up and ran some errands. Burly woke up and ate a waffle and some fries in the car.

Between 2 and 3 am the next morning Ivo started puking. Sandy followed suit an hour later. Had to be food poisoning. Burl and I were unaffected. Whoever chopped up the fruit maybe didn't wash their hands, I don't know. I wonder how many people got sick from that place that day. Had to be more. The vomiting went on for a solid 24 hours. It was like ancient fucking Rome. Neither of them felt like themselves til Sunday night.




On a funnier note, while running errands we stopped at Finga's for yogurt, garlic butter etc. whatever. I waited in the car with the boys. Sandy ran in. She had this conversation with one tactless staffer.

Finga's Clerk: Oh! Hi! You're pregnant again! (big smile)

Sandy: No. No, I'm not. (smoldering begins)

FC: Oh, but I think you are! (giggling now)

Sandy: (clipped fake laugh) Hunh. No, I'm not. Pretty sure!

FC: Oh! I thought you were! (grinning)

Sandy: Bye! (suppressing rage)

Now let me just say that Sandy in no way shape or form looks pregnant. She looks amazing and has done a fantastic job losing the the pregnancy weight.

She gets back to the car and immediately recounts the above dialogue to me.

Sandy: Do I look pregnant?

Me: No, baby. You look hot.

Sandy: Then why is this person asking me if I'm pregnant?

Me: Maybe because she knows you have little kids.

Sandy: Maybe because of my awesome boobs.

Me: Maybe. They are awesome baby.

Sandy: It just makes me so angry, you know?

Me: No manners. It's horrible. Remember when you were pregnant with Burl and that woman chased you down on the street to sell you diet pills?

Sandy: Arrgghh. I can never go back there.

Me: You should go back sometime and ask her if she's pregnant.

Sandy: I couldn't do that.

Me: She'd get the point.

Sandy: Yeah but she'd old.

Me: We all look alike you know. Maybe she confusing you with someone else.

Sandy: Maybe. But if you don't know you should just keep your mouth shut.

Me: Tell me about it! I know how you feel. People keep asking me if I've had a vasectomy!

Sandy: (laughs)

Me: I mean, how much more virile do I need to look?


honeybees said...

That's funny baby!!!
And true too.

On my baby's 1st birthday someone congratulated me by insisting to me that I'm pregnant...

Anonymous said...

hey putz, sign up for elliot's league. and if hairiness = virility, then i couldn't agree more with you. --b