Wednesday, October 3

mets collapse

i've been reading about the new york mets today. it's like a train wreck. i just can't look away. the misery. it must be hell to be a mets fan right now.

if you don't follow baseball, they just blew a huge lead over last 3 weeks to miss the playoffs. they'd been in first place for most of the season.

by brother-in-law is one of those unfortunates who was fully expecting to see the mets in the playoffs this year. when sandy was on the phone with him last week i asked her to ask him about the mets' chances.

she said he said he was, "...remaining cautiously optimistic."

condolences to burton in new york.

bill simmons' 16 levels of losing has a new number one.

1 comment:

Rye said...

correction: bill is from new england so the mets made it to number 2 on his list, not number 1.