Wednesday, October 17

got my pink on

My kids are better now (knock on wood) but somehow this week I've been saddled with a cold, some nasty post nasal drip and not one, but two cases of pink eye!

I don't think I've ever had pink eye before. Apparently it's going around. Tons of reports (well, one that I heard) about pink eye this week.

The first from long, red (now dyed black) haired Aussie/Tasmanian Jerry, long time resident of the Xiang Shang market area (and formerly of Changhua) and sometimes brewer of his own brand of ciders and sod-y pops, militant vegetarian and die hard Chinese student, who also happens to work with Sandy... He said there was an outbreak somewhere on the island where 30,000 people were infected, in one place. In one place? What's that mean? One town? One city? One neighbourhood? Isn't Taiwan one place? Anyone hear anything about this? Anyone else getting their pink on?

By late this afternoon my 7th graders were pointing and inquiring about my "red eyes". I only responded that I was sick and assured them that, yes, I was taking medicine. They're called eye drops and they do wonders! Everybody write it down 'cause half of you are probably gonna get it too if it's as epidemic as Jerry says.

It was nice to have a legitimate story to relay about red eyes instead of the usual, "Teacher's tired." (not hung over) or "Teacher's got allergies. Al-ler-gies." (and hasn't been up half the night watching the first round of baseball playoffs) or "Teacher got bugs in his eyes". (and is in no way stoned 'cause that would be just wrong!)

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