Tuesday, May 8

'let your find taste lead you to the world of the marvelous!'

K: update, update!

R: i've never seen you so geared for a new post before.

K: well, someone's gotta post and it's not gonna be me!

R: obviously. you're lucky you are who you are and not someone else or you'd be sent packin'.

K: well it's a good thing i am 'cause if i weren't you'd have some explainin' to do.

R: i put motion before the board to change the blog's name...

K: gasp!

R: that's right. you're too cranky and conservative lately. ever since you started wearing jeans you think you can just rest on your laurels...

K: what? what's a laurel?

R: you're just not as zany as you used to be.

K: i was never zany!

R: you were way back when. i'm gonna have to fictionalize your ass!

K: oh? not my ass!

R: as you know everything that's been written on this blog to this point has been entirely true...

K: rrright...rye... and bread's a fagget.

R: no, he's gonna kick yer ass when he gets here! i'm thinking captain kevlar and the world of the marvelous! we're gonna dress you up in tights and a cape!

K: nothing too marvelous about my life.

R; how about your wife? you said she had turned over a new leaf.

K: yeah, well the leaf turning was ok for a while...

R; and?

K: she doesn't like my attitude at three in the morning and i've had the kid all day and she wants to talk about her feelings, i wanna sleep woman! ... i don't wanna talk about it. by the way rye did you get in to school 'cause i didn't!

R: i know. too bad about that outstanding rape charge... you never told me why you really came to taiwan...

K: piss off! math! i need one math credit!

R: well, i got wait listed...

K: what's that mean?

R: that means they'll tell me sometime in the next few months whether i'm in or out.

K: geez...

R: in the meantime, i'm interviewing for my job for the 5th time in 5 years on monday...

K: good ol' wei dao...

R: yep. but grace is leaving..

K: yeah... that'll be weird... who's gonna replace her?

R: no idea...

K: have you told brett about the fish tank?

R: no. i'll tell him when he gets here.

K: tell the truth now.

R: i will and you'll back me up.

K: i'll stay out of it that's what i'll do!

R: after all it's kinda your fault.

K: not!

R: and he needs wheels when he's here. i offered him the honda hog but i don't know if i'll be able to bet in running in time... he may need to borrow your scooter...

K: no problem! i'll put cranberries in the gas tank!

R: excellent!

K: how's your fantasy team?

R: argh! still in imaginary last place. if i shut my eyes real tight i can almost visualize success... que sera sera. i'm not getting fake stressed about it anymore. i just don't know how long i should hang on to frank thomas.

K: cut 'em! send him camping. camping!

R: yeah, maybe... bread offered me a trade but i didn't take it. i think he was pretty pissed about it too...

K: oh, how do you know?

R: called me a loser and swore several times. oh yeah and he called me a commie fagget.

K: that's normal. do you think lawyer boy is any more sensitive to people's feelings now? 'cause i'm feeling a little fragile these days...

R: well buck up! get ready! pack the wife off to beijing for a week! she needs a vacation anyway...

K: maybe i will! that'd be marvelous!

R: ok i gotta end this thing...

K: well no one stopping you...

R: how 'bout a video this week mr topless tease?

K: you got it!

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