Thursday, November 16

at the same game

R: Oh wow another new pitcher for the Italians. this one's called DiRoma...

K: He smells good...

D: (groans)

K: Look! The Italians sure have strange names. A Vagina is batting 6th...

R: That's Av-ig-nina, Kev..

K: Oh, well he'll always be a vagina to me...

D: You two sicken me...

1 comment:

Kevlar said...

Screw you D. I'm tired of your handsome face and quiet stares. Just cause you are good guy and have a sense of humor doesn't give you the right to dismiss every decent joke as "filth". I wonder if you're lookin' down, that long nose , has made you cross-eyed and batty. Anyway hope to see you at agame this weekend. Ry plans to bring extra beer and pe-nis to make up for all your beer he drank. Did i type pe-nis I think I meant peanuts.