Wednesday, August 23

tough act to swallow

Kevlar: Well I just had a really great class!

Rye: Oh yeah, went well did it?

Kevlar: Yeah, it went so well that after class a girl came up to me and asked me for Elliot's (her previous teacher) email address!

Rye: Does she know he has morphed into some kind of a golden honeypot catholic surfer dude?

Kevlar: Hunh? No. Yes. No! I mean, I don't know. Not a good sign.

Rye: At least she showed some independent thought. That's not something you see around here every day...

Kevlar: She likes Elliot more!

Rye: He was a very popular teacher. A tough act to follow...but they'll get Kevinized soon enough...

Kevlar: So says you.

Rye: So says I indeed. Listen I've been meaning to ask you about recent events on
Ni Howdy...

Kevlar: Yeah? And?

Rye: DARK VAPOR wants to know why you were so harsh on the J-Hole...

Kevlar: The comment thing? It wasn't funny...

Rye: And you felt it was your duty to point it out?

Kevlar: If I don't, who will? They're all a bunch namby-pambies over there anyway.

Rye: Come now Kev, they've nurtured you, nay us, through the infancy of our blogging lives. JW started Ni Howdy...

Kevlar: I'm not condemning the whole damn blog - like you did that time with your bullshit vertical posting and pinyinized complaints about the administration - just that particular post...

Rye: What was wrong with it?

Kevlar: Like you don't know...

Rye: This is the KEVLAR blog....

Kevlar: OK, so first born children are supposedly not as funny as later born children...

Rye: Yep.

Kevlar: OK that's fine but why are you and I grouped in the same box? You're the oldest sibling in your family and I'm somewhere between 3rd or 4th in mine.

Rye: 3rd or 4th?

Kevlar: The point is the article doesn't jive with the post. See?

Rye: So it's a logic problem?

Kevlar: Yesss! Logic! Logic is the un-problem!

Rye: Un-problem?

Kevlar: Look! I had a thought. I wrote it. It's done. Now piss off, I got class!

Rye: What do you think about Captain Beer?

Kevlar: He's just like DUG, only BIGGER and way GAYER...

Rye: Did you know his name is also a verb?

Kevlar: This interview is over!

1 comment:

Kevlar said...

That was funny