Wednesday, June 4

Faces of Viator I

Kevlar will recognize this kid immediately.

If he can't he should pause a sec before he reads on.

He's in high school now but Kev had him back in his junior high days when he would follow him around campus chanting the word "Penis!" over and over again.

I observed it on a few occasions, normally walking somewhere on campus together.

Their exchanges usually went something like this.

Student: Kevin Teacher! Kevin Teacher!

Kev: Oh, Christ! It's Penis Boy. (groans)

S: Hey Teacher Kevin! Penis!

K: Hello, Alan. Can I help you?

S: I have to tell you something.

K: (sighs) Yes?

He leans in close to Kev, cups his hand to his mouth and whispers,

S: Penis. (maniacal giggling)

K: Don't you have somewhere to be?

S: Peenisss!

K: Okay Alan, we'll see you later. ( We walk away )

S: Teacher Kevin! Penis Teacher!

K: I hate that kid.


Anonymous said...

The kid was not called Allen. His name was Sid.
He never could, never did and never will be at rest.. until he is dead. He was a shaking, blabbering pain. I don't know why he wanted me to chat with him and answer questions... I don't care!

Rye said...

Sid! Yes! Sid! He could easily be an Alan though. I think he liked you 'cause you probably taught him that word.