Wednesday, October 28

Kevin You are Kind of a Dog

I've be told that 'I'm kinda of a dog".
Number one, probably said this because a long time ago, I blew warm air in the direction of his friends heart strings.
Number two, kissed me, then later told me she heard I was a bit of a dog.
Number three, was Red-A, there is no filter there, he just said " You're kind of a dog".
When did the stars line up and have these three losely connected people batting around the term "You're kind of a dog!"

So I got out the dictionary I'm not impressed, a little amused, a tad confused and mildly insulted by the term "dog".

dog  Pronunciation [dawg, dog] Show IPA noun, verb, dogged, dogging.

1. a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties.

2. the male of such an animal.

3. a despicable man or youth

4. A person: You won, you lucky dog.

5. A person regarded as contemptible: You stole my watch, you dog.

6. A person regarded as unattractive or uninteresting.

7. Something of inferior or low quality

8. An investment that produces a low return or a loss.

I got the working like a dog... sick as a dog... but not the "dog's life"

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