Tuesday, May 20

May Balls

What follows happened a while back but it nevertheless happened.

Kevlar: Guess what they were checking 5th grade boys for at my school today.

Rye: Lice.

Kev: Nope.

J-Hole: Leprosy.

Kev: No!

D-Wayne: Lesbians.

Kev: No! They were checking to see if their balls had dropped yet!

Rye: Did you help out?

Kev: No thank christ but when they first mentioned it I kinda thought they wanted me to go down there and help out.

J: But they didn't? They didn't want you to go down? There? To help out?

K: No! Good thing too. I'm hardly qualified.

DW: Why would they do that? Check that sort of thing?

K: I don't know. No one ever checked my balls in elementary school!

R,J, DW: -------

K: I mean, that I can remember!

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