Friday, July 24

My first quiz night at the Londoner

Sandy, Rye and Bread could have kept me full of beer. If only I known how quiz night worked. It was fun. It was hosted by Sam. There was more then a little bashings and confessions about the previous host "Mr.L"

The highest mountain outside of Asia?

Who did Hulk Hogan defeat in 1984 to take the WWF championship belt?

What North American city takes its name from the French term for strait?

Rombus, Shaw Shank Redemption, The greatest hits, Bonnie Tyler, Wanning moon, New Zealand and Australia. Detroit, the Treaty of Versailles, AU(astronimical unit length based on the mean earth sun distance) and plenty of tidbits and pitchers of beer.

Thursday, July 23

slushy bevvy

these things are overrated

kids wisely chose ice cream

Telephone and TV

My new phone has a Tv. As well as loads of other weird stuff like, two sim card slots. It was made by the same people that make T-shirts with artistic, but mispelled Englsih. So it will last a long time but look odd. IT has a sony viao logo. When there is "no signal" my phone displays "no simple". So far so good. It has excellent battery life and a cool touch screen.. 3000nt

Tuesday, July 21

Sunday, July 19

trout cove

choppy blue

summer pics

sometimes it rains every day

sometimes we get some late afternoon sun that

sets over maine

Friday, July 17


July 11 th. Sprint triathlon in Maioli. 750m swim,20km bike,5km run. finished 384 out of about 1200. Really heart pumping stuff. Going to go for something longer in September or October. The olympic triathlon is 1.2Km swim, 40 bike, 10km run. It is just too hot to train.

Sunday, July 12